Friday 22 March 2013

Zebilla as a tourist

Eric- our taxi driver -ready to collect Rosie at Tamale airport.

Zebilla, a market town on the main road from Bolgatanga linking Bawku with the Burkina Faso border, is not on anybody’s tourist trail.
Everybody has their purpose, their work, their function- for some principally to get through the day finding enough to eat. Therefore visiting Zebilla means either watching or joining in: this was our experience as my older daughter, Rosie, came to visit for five days.

From the saddles of our bicycles Zebilla’s people, domestic animals and landscapes could be seen, observed and appreciated.”Joining in” meant buying food on the street, choosing fabric and visiting the seamstress for discussion, measurement and later a dress fitting, serving at the market, learning to cook Ghanaian style and sharing family meals with typical hospitality and generosity.

Fresh oranges are shaved of their zest, their lids removed, and then enjoyed as a refreshing snack.

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