Friday 22 March 2013

Zebilla as a tourist 3

The dance troupe- three men, four boys, plus a woman accompanying the musicians. Additional percussive shakers are tied around the ankles.

One engagement was made in advance, with a troupe from a neighbouring village, Boya, which regularly performs traditional West African dance and music at weddings and funerals.  While singing simple messages of living a good life, men and boys danced to complex and changing rhythms, with much energetic foot stamping and highly athletic body gestures, the women occasionally joining in. We were seated near to the Elder of the extended family, and next to his two beautifully dressed wives, while the rest of the family and later returning school children gathered to watch, applaud and share food and water.

Musicians from Boya- two percussive players, and one single string violin type instrument.

One boy performs- the chief's two wives can be seen in the background.

When individuals were invited to perform, the women joined in- with equal strength and with grace.
Never too young to start- one of the dancers attaches the percussive beads to his son's leg.

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