Friday 22 March 2013

Independence Day 2

A hundred children costumed simply in T shirts and carrying ribbons of the Ghanaian colours danced their routines with energy and joy. 

The uniformed school pupils, some in the tan and brown of the government schools, others in lemon, bright blue, banana yellow, emerald green or scarlet of the private schools of Christian or Muslim faith took their turn to march around the field, some adopting particular gestures or signals denoting peace, friendship or cooperation. 

In the centre of the field the band continued to play, the army cadets held position, an occasional individual collapsing in the heat and ushered into a waiting ambulance.

As the silver band plays, a pair of boots and a cap remain on the field, their owner  ushered into an ambulance after collapsing in the heat.

The various leaders addressed the crowd, Christian, Muslim and traditional African prayers were said, the army saluted and closed the event, then all slowly left the field to continue celebrations or return to the normal work of the day.

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