Saturday 8 December 2012

Work for this term 4

St John's Integrated Senior High School, at Navrongo, near Bolgatanga was established in 2006 by a Catholic Mission. Many special schools have their foundation through charitable status, and are then adopted by the Ghana Education Service (GES).
St John's educates pupils with hearing impairments (HI) and mainstream pupils, adopting a working ratio of one pupil with HI for every three mainstream pupils. In spite of shortages of trained specialist staff, with many teachers posted to the school with no knowledge of Sign Language, and only two interpreters when fifteen are needed, the school operates successfully, parents give their full support for integration and there is a waiting list.

We watched a lesson in Building and Construction, delivered by the teacher, supported by an interpreter, with hearing and hearing impaired students in the class.
As a model of good integration and inclusion, it also serves as a reminder that Special Educational Needs (SEN) provision does require additional funding, particularly for trained specialist staff.
( The teacher is wearing the traditional smock of northern Ghana's males)

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