Friday 14 December 2012

Two bottles of nail varnish and a sachet of face pack

 Beauty salon- Zebilla style.

One evening, Nicole, Emma and I invited the women, plus one curious young son, from our nearest extended family to come round for an evening of “Ladies’ Pampering” volunteer style. Equipped with a little shower gel, washing up bowl, towels, local shea-nut butter, bottles of nail varnish and one face pack, plus melon, biscuits, cool water, and Bob Marley playing through the speakers, our salon was ready.

Nicole massages Howa's foot, while baby Iona, named after a previous volunteer,  takes her milk. Son Julius looks on.
Note the VSO living room, complete with motorbike and biycle.

One grandmother, two mothers, one son and three daughters enjoyed individual foot soaks, massage, toes painted and a little area of the face cleansed and purified.

Rebecca watches with great interest as Emma paints her toes, with the head torch providing much needed extra light. 

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