Friday 23 November 2012

Slow wheels

Senior High School students pose with their bikes

For getting about locally, free to use, quiet, flexible, and convenient for exercise, a bicycle is perfect.  Costing around 130 to 160 Ghana Cedis, (equivalent to UK 40-55 pounds), a price too costly for many but within reach of anyone earning a regular wage, bicycles are plentiful and popular.
My purchase was made Ghanaian style, visiting the family home and compound of Martin, the local bicycle dealer, where, within the walled extended family compound, among the chickens and drying piles of maize, surrounded by huts I was invited to make my selection. All bicycles are a similar simple “sit up and beg” style with sturdy frame, covered chain guard, elaborate stand fitted over the rear wheel and parcel carrier-most frequently used for carrying a passenger. Martin checked my machine, added a bell and a locking device, and promised speedy repairs whenever needed.

Martin the bicycle seller-with my new bike

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