Sunday 7 April 2013

The Party goes on.

Celebrating a birthday in Zebilla- “What do I do?” I asked.
“Buy everyone Coca Cola,” was one reply.
For a number of sound reasons that was never going to happen. 

Instead I opted for sweets, a wise and popular choice. The lollipops, with sticks that doubled as whistles, were extremely popular with the staff at Ghana Education Service, and supplies were exhausted before I reached the local children they were intended for, they having to make do with remaining plain boiled sweets.

I also invited friends and sisters Fatima and Mouda, along with their young children round for a meal, the deal being that I paid for the ingredients but the Ghanaian women cooked. And so, amid dancing to recordings on the mobile phone, crayoning, singing and general jollity an excellent jollof rice and fish supper was prepared and enjoyed.

Fati and Mouda prepare vegetables and fry fish.

.... and dance

Nasallah (the white woman) joins in.

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