Monday 26 August 2013

Linda- Remarkable individuals 3

 Linda showed me the water supply for her business premises- connected in July 2013, and flowing every third (market) day. Her next business purchase will be a polytank for water storage. A water supply on the premises will make processing easier, and will allow the proposed wash room for the women to be finished and made usable.

The main buildings and office- with connection to electricity supply

The actual business premises were developed using Linda’s wages from her regular employment (this venture being accomplished in her spare time) and from prize money she was awarded from a national essay competition run by the African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF) through which Linda’s plans for the Shea Butter Hope Givers enterprise were conceptualized. (

Alice’s example is a reminder that each of the women have a multitude of necessary duties and responsibilities, (eg childcare, carrying water, collecting firewood, ensuring family feeding for the day)  so that coming to process the shea butter is not a daily 9-5 type job, but a part time activity to be added to other tasks and prioritised when possible.

One of three traditional style open huts constructed. The women knead the butter in these.

To date income from this venture has been used for further investment, to pay the women workers “in kind” through providing snacks and a meal when they come to work, to provide work clothes and to reward guest speakers who deliver training and education.

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