Saturday 22 June 2013

Wedding in Zebilla

Saturday came and I prepared to attend the Islamic wedding of work colleague, Sandra.

Haruna and I are invited as part of the Ghana Education Service contingent. (Special Needs Officers)

 Uncertain what to expect, I was guided by Haruna, who advised wearing a best dress and taking an envelope containing some money as a gift.
My overwhelming impressions were of gorgeously colourful clothes, easy informality, shared joy and welcomed hospitality. 

Sandra shows her henna decorations before dressing in her wedding clothes

We first went to the courtyard of Sandra’s family, where relatives and special invited guests waited for the bride to appear. Men from the local mosque arrived, knelt together and recited a prayer.

Seated guests line the three enclosed sides of the courtyard

Sandra then appeared to greet her new family, her guests and to pose, with her husband and others for photographs. 

Bride Sandra, husband Bukari and best friends.

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