Saturday 16 February 2013

So long, Farewell………….

Change, with new introductions and fond, sometimes tearful, farewells, is a normal part of life.
As a volunteer, with maybe 6 months, a year, two years in a placement, relationships with family and friends, the routines of home which combine to give a semblance of stability and permanence, are truncated and fragmented, with “Change” being the permanent feature.

Friendships between volunteers, and with Ghanaians are precious, some fleeting and brief, some with life-long potential, but typically involving the inevitable “Goodbye.” And so, “Farewell” events form part of any volunteer’s social calendar.

The three original housemates:- Emma, Nicole and Janice- at Emma's Farewell  and house Christmas Party.  (As from next week- I will be the only volunteer left in the house, for the time being.)

Emma is presented with a traditional Ghanaian smock- a gift from colleagues to take back to England.

Friends and work colleagues at Nicole's Farewell evening for "Sisters Together"

Leela wanted everyone to dress up as a Super-hero for her Farewell- and set the standard.

James wears his Super-Ted outfit. The bear costume is a Christmas gift posted out by an intuitive Aunt. My choice of colours represents the women's suffragette movement. G.I. Jane can be glimpsed in the background.

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