Sunday 13 January 2013

“And what have you done?”
Over the holiday, I have done as little as possible, and clearly needed the rest time.
After a less than easy 36 hour journey from Bolga, I arrived with my friend Jane at a beach side resort outside the historical town of Elmina near Cape Coast.

Wooden fishing boats are built under make shift canopy on the beach at Elmina. In the background, Elmina castle overlooks a mix of African and Mediterranean buildings, a fishing port and busy market. 

Our eco-hut at Stumble Inn. Middle earth meets Africa.

A little sightseeing, yoga, six days of lying in the sun, paddling in the sea, lazing on shaded comfy seating, reading and chatting with visiting friends and other guests- the majority, volunteers or NGO workers and sharing good food, all worked their magic and I now feel restored and refreshed, ready for work and new challenges ahead.

Big waves!
New Year's Eve- bonfire and fireworks on the beach. Jane and I  enjoy a chance to wear our  Ghana tailored sun dresses.

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