Tuesday 28 August 2012

Preparing for Ghana

Welcome to my blog.

On September 9th 2012, I will fly from London to Accra, capital of Ghana, to begin a one year placement as a Special Educational Needs adviser.

To avoid any confusion, including my own, about the location of my next and previous VSO assignments, here are two maps.

In Guyana, I worked mainly in the capital and could use my bicycle to travel quickly and cheaply.
In Ghana, I will be based in the town of Zebilla and will visit village schools across a whole district. The most efficient way to travel, in terms of time and cost, is by motor cycle.

Consequently, I have had to take lessons to learn a new skill. To date I have managed to control a small 125cc moped, but need further tuition and practice to master the gears a larger machine, typical of the type available in Ghana.

I have mastered riding the smaller (red) moped.

This bike remains a challenge- to be met and conquered!